Activating Gaming Communities using Grassroots Marketing

Client Background

The client is an emerging gaming studio that developed a hybrid game with exciting prospects. As a new player in the market, they lacked the community and presence necessary to generate excitement and engagement around their game.

Industry: Gaming Industry

Location: USA

Engagement: Marketing

Problem Statement

The client needed to establish a strong community and presence to drive excitement and engagement for their upcoming hybrid game.


  1. Develop a multi-strategy marketing plan and community growth strategy.
  2. Build the gaming studio's social media presence.
  3. Establish relationships with reporters and influencers for both the company and senior leadership.
  4. Execute an awareness campaign followed by a growth campaign leading up to the game's release.


  1. Created a multi-strategy marketing plan focused on grassroots marketing tactics.
  2. Developed and implemented a community growth strategy.
  3. Built out the gaming studio's social media presence across relevant platforms.
  4. Fostered relationships with key reporters and influencers in the gaming industry.
  5. Executed an awareness campaign to generate initial interest, followed by a targeted growth campaign leading up to the game's release.


Community Expansion:

Led to more member signups, showcasing successful community growth tactics.

Social Media Reach:

Expanded the studio's social media presence by reaching a wider audience.

Influencer Engagement:

Established partnerships with influential gaming influencers.

Awareness Campaign Impact:

Generated over 100,000 initial impressions through the initial awareness campaign.

Growth Campaign Success:

Achieved a significant increase in pre-release sign-ups and wishlist additions.

Engagement Metrics:

Surge in social media engagement metrics, including likes, shares, and comments.