Realizing Efficiencies and Accuracy through an Order and Portfolio Management System

Client Background

The client is a hedge fund specializing in trading stocks and other securities. Despite advances in automation, they relied on manual processes for managing trades and communicating with external counterparties, such as their custodian bank. This manual approach made their operations slow, error-prone, and inefficient.

Industry: Stock and Financial Market

Location: USA

Service: Web Design & Development


faster reporting

Problem Statement

The client faced operational challenges in their order and portfolio management system, which impacted their ability to manage day-to-day trades, communicate with external counterparties, and maintain accurate Profit and Loss statements.


  1. Streamline the client's order and portfolio management system.
  2. Automate communication and integration with external counterparties, such as the custodian bank.
  3. Improve efficiency in managing trades and financial statements.


We designed and implemented a customized one-window web interface for the client's order and portfolio management system. This new system centralized trade information and automated communication and integration with external systems, including the client's primary bank.

Technology Stack


Enhanced Efficiency:

Implementation of the new system led to a 50% reduction in trade processing time.

Improved Accuracy:

Higher accuracy in Profit and Loss statements, reducing variances.

Streamlined Communication:

Communication with external counterparties saw an improvement in timeliness.

Centralized Information:

Centralizing trade information resulted in 2x faster reporting.

Error Reduction:

The system achieved significant reduction in trade-related errors, minimizing costly mistakes.

Enhanced Integration:

Integration with accounting systems improved, reconciling financial data.